The Severn Gorge Countryside Trust - Volunteering

The Severn Gorge Countryside Trust (SGCT) relies on volunteers to help manage its 260 hectares of land on a 999 year lease.  This includes over 50% of the land within the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site.

Below we are step building at Lincoln Hill, where 55 steps have been replaced or newly built to add to the 170+ leading up to the Rotunda.  From there, you get this magnificent view of the Iron Bridge:

We even made the local paper:

Some tools of the trade

Going Down!

Other activities include scything (this example is in the rain):


Yes, that's me.


Originally the grass was to be used to feed the Trust's sheep, unfortunately due to the wet conditions on this particular Thursday it was not usuable as feed, so has gone to composting.

The scything uncovered, were 5 or 6 species of wild flower that are indicative of a healthy wild flower meadow in development.  Flowers include: Cowslip, Vetche, etc.

Installation of Kissing Gates and Cleft Fences

More recently we have been helping the Telford Access to Nature initiative by improving access routes to some of the Trusts' many local walks - at the begining of October we installed two Kissing Gates, replacing "V-Shaped" entrances, which people in wheelchairs or with walking difficulties or even parents with pushchairs would find difficult to traverse.