Hampton Court Flower Show July 2011

Here are a few snapshots of this year's show that caught my attention and provide ideas that will both wow and inspire you.  First off is David Domoney's Naked Garden, using glass and stained glass in a very novel way, revealing the beauty of plants not just from above but also what lies below ground:

Alliums are an easy way to add a bit of  showiness to any garden and there are many to choose from, here are just a small selection that will add height and structure to beds and borders:

The Conceptual Gardens don't suit everyone but do showcase design in a very different format pushing the boundaries on what you could typically do with plants.  Here, plants growing in containers suspended from above are viewed in mirrors from below along with observations of flowers in borders from a very different perspective:

The Small Gardens display what we as amateur gardeners can achieve in our more typically sized gardens and bring visitors happily back to reality (perhaps with some eccentricity to get noticed!):

Commercial businesses and charitable organisations are keen to display at gardening shows and the WWF this this year are celebrating their 50th anniversary with the following flowing display of hard landscaping and planting that has been used to tell their story about their efforts to safeguard freshwater environments across England:

And Loros Hospice gave visitors this display called "Light & Reflection", which highlights how gardens can give patients with incurable disease and their family, friends and carers therapeutic benefit with raised beds and places to sit and talk, or just look and listen:

For more on Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and the show gardens click on the link.