Reader's Tithes - Our Reader's Gardens Section

This section show cases my Reader's photos.  So, send me pictures of either your gardens, parts of your garden, plants or yourself in your gardens and I will post them here!

Two photos here of a garden I designed for a Ms W (and her dog, Ms. A) in the heart of busy South London, where in a typically over-looked, shaded, long and thin city garden I created a tranquil, sanctuary hideaway where she could both relax and chill out as well as provide outdoor space for workshops.

Click here for her testimonial (and if you are wondering, I do have permission to publish these photos and will never publish photos without the garden owner's consent).

During 2011 one project I managed was a London Courtyard Garden entirely laid to patio, which my client Ms. A wanted to use more with family and friends.  Limited budget, little soil and limited light levels required some creativity and therefore I have utilised two large raised beds I have lined to prevent water loss and for some uniformity 5 gold coloured large pots.  The planting complimented the limited light in part of the courtyard and reflected light and added balance in the brighter areas.  A wooden arbour was added later with climbers attached and plants such as Bamboo included in a small bed to provide some screening, sound and visual interests. 

Client Ms. A utilised the Courtyard over Summer 2011 with some lovely feedback from her family and friends.

You don't have to be a client to get involved, send me your photos now!  Let me know something about the photo(s) too so that I can post relevant information.